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Velez by Vesna

The Ultimate Post-Treatment Skincare

Give your skin the care it deserves with Velez by Vesna, the next-level solution for soothing, hydrating, and protecting your skin after treatments. Originally designed for healing wounded skin, this innovative biotech cellulose mask works like a second skin, delivering deep hydration and relief while helping your skin recover faster with less irritation and redness. Why you’ll love it:

Instant cooling & comfort – Reduces skin temperature by up to 6°C for a refreshing, calming effect

Speeds up healing – Perfect for post-laser, microneedling, or any treatment that leaves your skin sensitive

Deep hydration – Locks in moisture and helps your skincare work better for glowing results

Protects & soothes – Shields your skin from irritation and outside pollutants while reducing redness and puffiness

Lightweight & easy to use – Self-adhering, so you can move around while it works its magic!

Whether you’re fresh from a facial or recovering from a more advanced treatment, Velez by Vesna is your go-to for faster healing and a radiant glow. Try it today at EpiCentre Skin Care & Laser Center in Dallas, TX!

Velez Eye Mask
Intense Hydration Eye Mask

An instantly cooling and ultra hydrating eye mask which helps to visibly brighten, de-puff, smooth and refresh under-eyes.

Velez Intense Hydration Face Mask
Intense Hydration Face Mask

Envelop your face in the self-adhering biotech cellulose mask with extraordinary hydrating and soothing benefits as it cools on contact and calms dry, sensitive, & irritated skin.

Velez Intense Hydration Neck & Body Mask
Intense Hydration Neck & Body Mask

Envelop your neck and body in the self-adhering biotech cellulose mask with extraordinary hydrating and soothing benefits as it cools on contact and calms dry, sensitive, & irritated skin

Velez HOCL Hydrating Mist
HOCL Hydrating Mist

A multi-purpose gentle fusion of Hypochlorous Acid (HOCL) and Pure Water designed to instantly help cool, calm, and cleanse the skin.

Be the Most Beautiful You

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