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SkinMedica® Products

Innovative Skincare Treatments that help Rejuvenate Skin

For over 10 years, SkinMedica® has been developing innovative skin care treatments that help rejuvenate skin. Our best-selling products have been featured in Elle, INSTYLE, Self, People, Web MD, and many other magazines and television shows including The View and The Today Show to name a few.

At SkinMedica®, we believe everyone deserves to have naturally radiant skin. That’s why we’ve dedicated years of research to formulating advanced skin care products that rejuvenate skin. Our entire aesthetic product line is inspired by the science of the skin. As skin ages, elasticity decreases, lines appear and overall appearance is diminished. Our skin care products contain specialty ingredients that improve the overall appearance of the skin.

Our scientifically proven recovery compounds include essential ingredients ranging from vitamins C and E to retinol to TNS® — our patented blend of growth factors, soluble collagen, antioxidants, and matrix proteins. The impact is clear beautiful skin. All results of our commitment to creating a lifelong skin care solution for healthier-looking skin.

Available at Epicentre Skincare Dallas, TX 75231

Vitamin C+E Complex

Improves the appearance of skin tone and texture with vitamins C & E.

Ultra Sheer Moisturizer

Lightweight noncomedogenic moisturizer that provides facial hydration and improves the overall appearance of skin.

TNS Recovery Complex

Clinically tested to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles while improving skin tone and texture.

TNS Eye Repair

Reduces the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and dark circles around the eyes.

TNS Ceramide Treatment Cream

Hydrates and helps restore your skin's barrier function and balance.

TNS Advanced+ Serum

This next-generation, skin rejuvenating formula improves the appearance of coarse wrinkles, fine lines, skin tone, and texture. It’s the only growth factor product proven to address sagging skin.

Retinol Complex 0.25

Renews skin and diminishes the appearance of fine lines.

Retinol Complex 0.5

Renews skin and diminishes the appearance of fine lines. Appropriate for all skin types pre-conditioned by using Retinol Complex 0.25 or another retinoid product.

Retinol Complex 1.0

Renews skin and diminishes the appearance of fine lines.

Rejuvenative Moisturizer

Helps nourish, hydrate, and rejuvenate skin.

Neck Correct Cream

Neck Correct Cream for Neck and Décolleté is a powerfully effective serum uniquely designed to prevent and address the visible signs of neck aging. This luxurious serum is clinically proven to visibly lift, firm, and smooth the skin.

Even & Correct

Even & Correct Advanced Brightening Treatment is a powerful daily serum to help target and prevent visible hyperpigmentation. Hydroquinone-free and Retinol-free

Instant Bright Eye Cream

Pigment Correcting Serum, HA5® Rejuvenating Hydrator, plus other advanced ingredients create our most comprehensive eye treatment.

TNS Illuminating Eye Cream

A pampering eye cream with patented TNS technology meant to brighten the under eye while reducing fine lines and wrinkles. Great for all skin types.

HA⁵ Rejuvenating Hydrator

Provides immediate smoothing in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and supports the skin's natural ability to retain moisture resulting in radiant, rejuvenated tone and texture.

Firm & Tone Lotion for Body

Firm & Tone Lotion for Body is a powerfully effective, targeted treatment. Dermatologist-tested, it’s formulated to prevent and address visible signs of body skin aging for a youthful, toned look.

Sensitive Facial Cleanser

Our highest customer rated cleanser for all skin types. Removes environmental pollutants, excess oil and makeup, and hydrates and refreshes skin.

Dermal Repair Cream

Ultra rich moisturizer helps prevent moisture loss and improves skin smoothness to restore your skin's natural beauty.

AHA/BHA Exfoliating Cleanser

This elegantly formulated exfoliating cleanser gently scrubs away dead skin, improving the appearance of skin tone and texture.

Pore Purifying Gel Cleanser

A hydrating and refreshing gel cleanser that clears and purifies the pores without stripping the skin. Boosted with bakuchiol and botanicals, it is expertly formulated to maintain skin's natural barrier.

Instant Bright Eye Mask (6 sets)

These cooling gel patches soothe and hydrate the under-eye area for an instant refresh. Unique hydrogel technology reduces the appearance of puffiness to help eyes look youthful and rested.

Be the Most Beautiful You

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