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Plated skincare product Dallas, TX

Breakthrough exosome science clinically proven to help reverse the visible signs of aging.

( plated ) Skin Science is a revolutionary skincare and haircare line that harnesses the renewing power of platelets to set a new standard in age defense. As the first and only topical product to use platelets, ( plated ) Skin Science offers a natural defense against the appearance of aging through its proprietary Renewosome™ technology.

This innovative line not only protects your skin against environmental stressors with powerful antioxidant enzymes but also calms and reduces the appearance of redness, enhancing skin tone and texture for healthier, younger-looking skin. In addition to skincare, ( plated ) offers a transformative hair serum designed to rejuvenate your scalp and promote stronger, fuller hair.

Experience the power of ( plated ) Skin Science at EpiCentre Skin Care & Laser Center, where your daily routine becomes a comprehensive ritual for radiant skin and revitalized hair.

( plated ) Skin Science products are available at EpiCentre Skin Care & Laser Center Dallas, TX 75231.

Plated Intense 2

(plated) INTENSE Serum is a groundbreaking innovation that uses platelet-derived Renewosome™ technology to rejuvenate and restore youthful looking skin. This unique serum is formulated with the highest concentration of extracellular vesicles, enriched with a powerful growth factor complex and potent antioxidants. Clinically proven to visibly reduces wrinkles, redness, and brown spots in just six weeks.


( plated ) DAILY serum is a scientific breakthrough, harnessing platelet-derived Renewosome™ technology for visibly improved, youthful looking skin. This moisturizing formulation contains renewing extracellular vesicles fortified with a growth factor complex and potent antioxidants. Designed for daily use, this serum is clinically proven to revitalize your skin's appearance.

HAIR Serum

( plated ) HAIR Serum is a scientific breakthrough, harnessing the power of platelet-derived Renewosome™ technology to make your hair look fuller, stronger, and thicker.

EYE Serum

Breakthrough exosome EYE Serum designed for the delicate skin around your eyes. Utilizing our exclusive Renewosome™ technology, this advanced serum features platelet-derived exosomes combined with a potent caffeine extract and a dual-seaweed extract to reduce the appearance of fine lines, under-eye discoloration, and sagging skin.

Be the Most Beautiful You

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