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Colorescience KBS Lockup Logo for Skincare Products, Dallas

Epicentre Skincare 2020 Corporate Brand Deck, Dallas


We are excited to announce that EpiCentre Skin Care & Laser Center is now offering the renowned Colorescience product line! Colorescience is celebrated for its innovative approach to skincare, combining sun protection, skin nourishment, and makeup benefits in each product. Whether you’re looking to protect, correct, or enhance your skin, Colorscience has something to offer.

Why Choose Colorescience?

Colorescience products stand out in the skincare industry for several key reasons:

Advanced Sun Protection

Colorescience uses 100% mineral sunscreens for broad-spectrum UVA/UVB protection. These products shield your skin from environmental aggressors like sunlight, pollution, and free radicals while being gentle and non-irritating.

Holistic Skincare Solutions
With a holistic approach, Colorescience offers skincare solutions that promote overall skin wellness, designed especially for delicate post-procedure skin.

Skincare Innovation
Colorescience believes skincare battles are best won before they are fought. By investing in scientific innovation now, Colorescience helps prevent skin damage before it occurs, ensuring long-term skin health and vitality.

Pure Ingredients
Using only substantiated ingredients in their purest form, Colorescience includes them at therapeutic and dermatologist-approved levels for maximum efficacy and performance. Their commitment to clean, safe ingredients ensures their products are suitable for all skin types, including sensitive and acne-prone skin.


Visit EpiCentre Skin Care & Laser Center to explore the full range of Colorescience products. Our expert team is here to help you find the perfect products to meet your unique skincare needs. Enhance your skincare routine with Colorescience and experience the difference. For more information or to schedule a consultation, contact us today to learn more about skincare options in Dallas.

Sunforgettable_ Brush_Fair
Sunforgettable Total Protection Brush-On Shield SPF 50 - Fair

A convenient brush-on sunscreen that offers powerful protection and is perfect for touch-ups on the go.

Sunforgettable_ Brush_Sheer
Sunforgettable Total Protection Sheer Matte Sunscreen Brush SPF 30

This mattifying brush-on sunscreen reduces shine and provides lightweight, broad-spectrum protection.

Total Protection No Show SPF 50 Mineral Sunscreen

Delivers invisible, high-performance protection with a smooth, non-greasy finish.

Sunforgettable - Total Protection - Face Shield Flex SPF 50 - Fair
Sunforgettable Total Protection Face Shield Flex SPF 50 - Fair

An adaptable formula that offers all-mineral protection and a natural-looking finish, with color that adjusts to fair skin tones.

Sunforgettable - Total Protection - Face Shield Flex SPF 50 - Medium
Sunforgettable Total Protection Face Shield Flex SPF 50 - Medium

Tailored for medium skin tones, this formula offers adaptive color technology and comprehensive protection.

Sunforgettable - Total Protection - Bronzing Face Shield Global SPF 50
Sunforgettable Total Protection Bronzing Face Shield Global SPF 50

Provides a radiant, sun-kissed glow while protecting against UVA/UVB, pollution, blue light, and infrared radiation.

Sunforgettable Total Protection Face Shield Glow SPF 50

A lightweight, luminous sunscreen that provides all-mineral SPF 50 protection while delivering a radiant, dewy glow. Hydrating and antioxidant-rich for a healthy, sun-kissed finish.

Sunforgettable Total Protection Color Balm (Bronze)

A warm, sunlit bronze balm for cheeks, lips, and eyes. Provides SPF 50 protection while adding a natural, sunkissed glow.

Sunforgettable Total Protection Color Balm (Blush)

A rosy, soft pink balm that adds a touch of natural color to cheeks, lips, and eyes with SPF 50 protection. Hydrating and perfect for everyday wear.

Pink Sky
Sunforgettable Total Protection Color Balm (Pink Sky)

A vibrant, cool pink balm inspired by sunset hues. Offers SPF 50 protection while brightening lips, cheeks, and eyes with a fresh pop of color.

Golden Hour
Sunforgettable Total Protection Color Balm (Golden Hour)

A warm, golden-peach balm that enhances skin with a soft, sunlit glow. Infused with SPF 50 for protection while adding a luminous touch.

Total Eye Hydrogel Treatment Masks
Total Eye Hydrogel Treatment Masks

Cooling gel masks that hydrate and soothe the under-eye area, reducing puffiness and fine lines.

Total Eye Treatment - SPF 35 - Medium
Total Eye Treatment SPF 35 - Medium

A 3-in-1 renewal therapy for the eyes, addressing dark circles, puffiness, and fine lines while providing sun protection.

Total Eye Treatment - SPF 35 - Fair
Total Eye Treatment SPF 35 - Fair

Designed for fair skin tones, this treatment offers the same comprehensive benefits and protection as the medium version.

Total Lash Serum Mascara

A nourishing mascara that enhances lash volume and length while conditioning with peptides and biotin. Smudge-proof and long-wearing for beautiful, healthy lashes.

Be the Most Beautiful You

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