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EpiCentre Skin Care & Laser Center’s ThermageFLX

Tackle the effect of aging on your skin with innovative ThermageFLX treatments. EpiCentre Skin Care & Laser Center offers ThermageFLX treatments to our Dallas, TX patients. ThermageFLX is quickly becoming one of the go-to anti-aging treatments because it’s minimally invasive and works in as little as one to two treatments. Our team is committed to offering patients the most innovative, safe, and effective skincare and anti-aging treatments customized for their needs. We’ll work with you to find what works best for your skin issues. If you’ve started to notice the signs of aging and want to make changes today, contact EpiCentre Skin Care & Laser Center.

beautiful woman touching her face

What is ThermageFLX?

ThermageFLX transforms skin by working below the surface and addresses a wide range of surface imperfections that result from age and environmental factors. ThermageFLX treats targeted problem areas with radiofrequency energy, remodeling your collagen to help your skin look and feel youthful. We use a special handpiece to deliver monopolar radiofrequency energy waves deep into your skin during the skin care treatment. Your skin and tissue constrict, stimulating the growth of new collagen.

Benefits of ThermageFLX

ThermageFLX offers many benefits, including:

  • Non-invasive treatment doesn’t require surgery
  • You’ll notice results in as little as one to two treatment
  • Fast and comfortable treatment with maximum results
  • Multiple treatment areas
  • Automatic calibration provides optimized energy delivery output
  • Combination of vibration and cooling elements
  • No downtime needed

What Does ThermageFLX Treat?

ThermageFLX treats many skin issues with long-lasting results, including:

  • Skin tightening on face, neck, and body
  • Smooths wrinkles
  • Removes deep wrinkles

ThermageFLX Treatment Expectations

During the ThermageFLX treatment, we will use our device to deliver radiofrequency pulses to the targeted areas. These pulses last for a few seconds as they gently treat the skin. An integrated cooling system cools the surface of your skin for comfort. In as little as 45 minutes, you’ll notice firmer and smoother skin.

ThermageFLX Aftercare

The safe, quick ThermageFLX treatment isn’t painful and doesn’t require any downtime. Following a ThermageFLX treatment, you may notice temporary redness or minor swelling. Any side effects should subside within 24 hours.

ThermageFLX Results

ThermageFLX provides effective results in as little as one to two treatments. For most patients, these amazing results will gradually fade. Depending on your skin and skincare goals, your results may last up to two years.

Contact EpiCentre Skin Care & Laser Center

As part of our excellent Skin Care Treatment & Body Treatment services, ThermageFLX is another revolutionary treatment we use to reach your anti-aging and skincare goals. We understand patients want the safest and most effective ways to fight aging without surgery. Our experienced and knowledgeable team offers optimal customer service to help you find what works best for your specific skincare goals. We offer free consultations for all patients interested in ThermageFLX. We aim to foster close working relationships with all our patients. Our skincare professionals are standing by to provide you with all the information you need regarding ThermageFLX treatments. Contact us today!

beautiful woman touching her face

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