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HydraFacial® Treatments in Dallas, TX

EpiCenter Skin Care & Laser Center is a premier provider of skin and body HydraFacial® in Dallas, TX. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

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What is a HydraFacial® Treatment?

HydraFacial® is a skin and body treatment for a cleaner, clearer glow. Our beauty and care professionals use innovative technology during the procedure to completely clean and hydrate the skin, eliminating dirt and debris build-up.

This treatment uses methods from hydradermabrasion, chemical peels and comfortable extraction, completed with specialized formulations for the ultimate skin and body care.

HydraFacial® is effective for various skin types, tones and textures. You’ll notice a radiant, youthful appearance after a single session.

Practitioners must be licensed and certified to perform HydraFacial® procedures. Our team possesses the equipment, training and qualifications necessary to complete this cutting-edge treatment for you.

How is HydraFacial® Different from Other Treatments?

Though HydraFacial® shares common traits with microdermabrasion standard facial peels, fundamental differences exist.

Microdermabrasion removes dirt and debris manually, whereas HydraFacial® uses a suction-like machine to reach deep into your skin and body. The device gives you a more thorough cleanse than most traditional treatments cannot. HydraFacial® is generally more comfortable than microdermabrasion procedures.

HydraFacial® is effective for different skin tones. Though standard facial peels are suitable for light skin tones, the HydraFacial® treatments can help skin shades of all kinds.

“Hydrate” is the keyword here. Hydration is the most significant differentiator because HydraFacial® is the only treatment that can remoisturize the skin and body.

What Are Some HydraFacial® Benefits?

You’ll love this treatment because it instantly provides a brighter, fuller skin and body complexion. HydraFacial® is designed to provide your skin and body care with relaxing and revitalizing treatments that keep you comfortable. Best of all, the treatments are pain-free, allowing for little to no downtime after your procedure.

Here are a few of the most vital advantages of HydraFacial® treatments:



  • Versatility: HydraFacial® is used for all kinds of skin complexions and conditions, and we can apply it to patients of all ages. The treatment can aid teens with acne and revitalize older adults’ sun-damaged skin. However, certain skin conditions may prevent you from receiving this treatment, so you should consult with our specialists to determine if HydraFacial® is right for you.
  • Consistency: Many treatments depend on specific application methods and expertise to succeed. HydraFacial® produces reliable results because it’s effortless to administer. The result is a consistently beautiful skin that provides the same fantastic outcomes for every treatment.
  • Pain-Free: Most extractions are painful, and many patients are wary of receiving extraction, costing them their vibrant, fuller skin. HydraFacial® machines are designed with a suction-cup-like tip that gently removes debris and dirt without pinching, squeezing or hard presses. The device provides patients with a massage sensation that keeps them relaxed throughout the procedure.
  • Instant Results: HydraFacial® fulfills deep penetrating cleansing without causing any pain, which reduces downtime. You’ll see results immediately after we complete your treatments. Patients typically get back to their daily lives—with a terrific new glow—in minutes.
  • Works with Other Treatments: You can receive a HydraFacial® procedure and your other preferred treatments on the same day. HydraFacial® pairs wonderfully with fillers, injectables and non-surgical laser treatments, all working together to produce the best skin possible.
  • Customization: HydraFacial® treatments complement your current skin and body treatment plan seamlessly. Aside from fillers, injectables and non-surgical lasers, HydraFacial® can aid certain peels and procedures in giving your skin your ideal radiance. You’ll enjoy the highly personalized touch HydraFacial® offers your treatment plan.

The Three Steps of HydraFacial® Treatments

There are three essential steps for completing this treatment. All treatments can be completed in an hour or less—and produce almost instant results!

  • Cleansing and Peeling: Our team performs skin and body resurfacing during this step. Cleansing and peeling remove dead skin by exfoliation, while impurities are filtered out of your pores.
  • Extracting Debris and Hydration: The HydraFacial® machine’s suction-cup-like tip eliminates hard-to-reach debris and dirt while moisturizing your skin.
  • Infusion and Protection of Skin: During this final step, skin and body-enhancing serums are applied to reduce skin flaws and make you look brighter and rejuvenated.

Is HydraFacial® Right for Me?

We recommend consulting with our professionals to determine whether this procedure is proper for you. You may want a HydraFacial® treatment if you have:

  • Wrinkles and fine lines
  • Issues with your skin tone or complexion
  • Acne
  • Signs of aging
  • Large pores
  • Clogged skin due to oil
  • And more

Do HydraFacial® Treatments Have Side Effects?

HydraFacial® is an in-demand treatment partially because there are little to no side effects. Patients resume daily activity—including applying makeup—almost immediately.

Some mild redness and irritation may occur. Make sure to consult with our experts before choosing this treatment.

We’re Here to Fulfill Your Beauty

We’re the most trusted choice to help you make the right aesthetic choices for your skin or body. We’ll consult with you during a free consultation where we determine if HydraFacial® is right for you. From there, we’ll develop a treatment that pairs with your current beauty plan. You can depend on our specialists to provide the best beauty results.

beautiful woman touching her face

Let’s Talk!

Be the Most Beautiful You

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