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What Is HydraFacial Keravive?

HydraFacial Keravive is a unique, relaxing treatment designed to cleanse, nourish, and hydrate the scalp for fuller and healthier looking hair. The benefits of a healthy scalp are critically important, yet not widely understood. Any patient who has concerns about thinning or damaged hair can benefit by improving the health of their scalp. A healthy scalp is the foundation for healthier and fuller looking hair.

How Hydrafacial Keravive Helps

This treatment is, almost literally, like a facial for the scalp. An entire lifetime of neglecting to exfoliate this area can squeeze the life out of hair follicles. Even when you think your scalp is clean, such as after a shower, residue from hair products and a buildup of dead skin cells can still mean lurking bacteria and dirt. This translates to poor scalp hygiene no matter how often you wash your hair.

Keravive uses a patented product made with extremely strong peptides and proteins to improve scalp health. But the treatment doesn’t stop there. As stated earlier, it is a three-step process that targets the skin on your head for deep cleaning and exfoliation. While shampoos and conditioners work on the hair, they do nothing for the scalp. You need additional and targeted treatment.

cleanse exfoliate hydrate nourish extend enhance list

Ideal Candidates

The HydraFacial Keravive is designed to be effective for women and men of all ages who are suffering from thinning hair and other scalp issues. Patients who have active hair follicles but suffer from:

  • Thinning hair
  • Flakey scalp
  • Itchiness, dryness causing irritation
  • Large or congested pores
  • Clogged hair follicles

Improved Scalp Health Means Improved Hair

You can simultaneously improve your scalp health and encourage longer, thicker hair with a HydraFacial Keravive treatment. Many patients incorporate this into their schedule for monthly maintenance. It is safe, effective, and provides deep nourishment and hydration. Call EpiCentre Skin Care and Laser Center in Dallas, TX to schedule your appointment today.

before and after hydrafacial keravive

beautiful woman touching her face

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