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Chemical Peels in Dallas, TX

A chemical peel is a popular way to reveal youthful, glowing skin without surgery. EpiCentre Skin Care & Laser Center offers multiple types of chemical peels to Dallas, TX, patients. We understand that aging and excessive sun exposure can lead to many different skin problems. Our chemical peels offer a solution to remove layers of skin, revealing beautiful skin underneath. Chemical peels are an excellent way to reduce or improve signs of aging, uneven skin coloring, and other skin imperfections. Our world-class skincare and laser center is committed to providing our patients with the best medical skin care. We put your health and well-being first as we find the best treatment plan for your needs. Contact us for a consultation today.

What Is a Chemical Peel?

During a chemical peel, we apply a chemical solution to your skin. The solution causes injury to the layers of the skin, leading them to peel off and reveal new youthful skin layers. The new skin is brighter, softer, and smoother.

beautiful woman touching her face

Levels of Chemical Peels

The chemical peel procedure is done in one of three depths, including:

Light Chemical Peel – A superficial light chemical peel only removes the outer layer of your skin. A light chemical peel addresses fine lines, acne, dryness, and uneven skin tone.

Medium Chemical Peel – A medium chemical peel removes skin cells from portions of the upper part of your middle layer of skin and the top outer layer of skin. A medium chemical peel addresses uneven skin tone, texture and wrinkles.

Deep Chemical Peel – A deep chemical peel removes skin cells at the deepest possible levels. A deep chemical peel addresses wrinkles, texture, uneven pigmentation and precancerous growths.

What Conditions Does a Chemical Peel Treat?

Chemical peels treat many skin issues, including:

Fine lines and wrinkles
Sun damage
Age spots
Texture issues

Rough skin
Dark patches
Uneven skin coloring
Precancerous spots

Types of Chemical Peels

We offer a variety of chemical peels from light to mid-depth designed to refresh and rejuvenate your skin with little to no downtime, including:


Vitalize Peel – The Vitalize Peel by SkinMedica is appropriate for patients with mild-to-moderate skin imperfections resulting from skin aging and sun exposure, such as fine lines and wrinkles and uneven skin tone and texture. Vitalize Peel treatments also address skin unevenness caused by acne scarring or other pigmentary changes.

Rejuvenize Peel – The Rejuvenize Peel by SkinMedica is appropriate for patients with moderate to severe skin imperfections that result from skin aging and sun exposure, such as fine lines and wrinkles, uneven skin tone, and texture. The Rejuvenize Peel will also address skin unevenness that can be caused by acne scarring or pigmentary changes.

Illuminize Peel – The Illuminize Peel by SkinMedica is appropriate for first-time chemical peel patients, patients with mild skin imperfections, or patients looking for brighter, more radiant skin with no downtime. It is the gentlest of the SkinMedica Peels.

ZO 3-Step Peel – The ZO 3-Step peel is an excellent treatment for skin aging, Melasma, fine lines, large pores, acne, sun damage, uneven texture, and dull skin. The first step is to exfoliate your skin by applying the peel. The Stimulating Retinol Creme is applied during the second step to stimulate your cellular function, enhance collagen at a deeper level, reduce the appearance of wrinkles, and firm your skin. The Calming Creme is applied during the third step to minimize irritation and inflammation and restore moisture.

ZO Stimulator Peel – The ZO Stimulator Peel is the perfect “lunchtime” peel with no downtime. This peel is made up of a combination of lactic, citric, and salicylic acid plus potent concentrations of other active ingredients to exfoliate the skin while stimulating collagen and elastin growth.

Chemical Peel Preparation

The most important things to remember when preparing your skin for a chemical peel include:

  • Avoid direct sun exposure for two weeks
  • Don’t use any retinoid products one week prior to the peel
  • Chemical treatment areas must be free of lesions and sores
  • Apply any topical products as instructed to prepare the skin

Chemical Peel Aftercare

Your chemical peel aftercare depends on the type of peel, including:

Light Chemical Peel – Expect your skin to feel like a sunburn reaction. You should notice redness and scaling that lasts up to seven days. It’s important to apply lotion on skin as directed by your provider. Apply sunscreen daily. You can wear make-up immediately after treatment.

Medium Chemical Peel – Expect stinging, redness, swelling, and flaking of the skin. The skin may crust and shed for up to 10 days. Don’t expose your skin to sunlight, and take your antiviral medication for up to 14 days. You can apply make-up after three to five days.

Choose Our Dallas, TX Med Spa for Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are an excellent way for all skin types to help improve the appearance of skin. Our chemical peel types offer a youthful, glowing complexion without surgery. Your chemical peel results will depend on your skin condition, chemical peel type, and skincare goals. Contact us today to make an appointment to discuss our chemical peel options.

beautiful woman touching her face

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