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Improve Skin Tone and Texture With MOXI™

If you’re ready for brighter and fresher skin, MOXI™ is your answer. EpiCentre Skin Care & Laser Center is proud to offer our Dallas, TX patients MOXI™ laser treatments. The innovative skin treatment is one of the best ways to revitalize and refreshen your skin’s appearance by correcting and improving skin tone. Since 2008, we’ve offered the most innovative and effective ways to fight aging skin and boost the health of your skin. Our team is passionate about helping our patients feel healthy and happy. Contact us today for a consultation to determine if MOXI™ is a perfect fit for your skin.

What is MOXI™ Laser?

The MOXI™ Laser by Sciton comfortably delivers non-ablative laser energy to revitalize your skin by correcting the initial signs of sun damage and aging, no matter the season or your skin type. You’ll love that this lunchtime procedure can fit into your active lifestyle any time of year. The non-ablative laser offers a gentler approach with less downtime than traditional laser resurfacing.

How Does MOXI™ Laser Work?

MOXI™ is designed as an innovative way to boost the texture and tone of your face with little downtime. Your skin is rejuvenated by fractionated laser energy that creates micro-coagulation zones. Your body naturally repairs and replaces the damaged cells with fresh new cells.

Benefits of MOXI™ Laser Treatments

The most beneficial aspects of MOXI™ laser treatments include:

  • Little-to-no downtime
  • Treatment is safe during the Summer
  • Fast and effective skincare treatments
  • Comfortable treatments
  • Simple post-care
  • 24 hours post-treatment make-up can be applied

MOXI™ Skin Treatment Areas

The most common treatment areas for MOXI™ include:

What Does MOXI™ Treat?

MOXI™ can treat many skin issues, including:

  • Pigmentation & Sun Damage
  • Uneven Skin Tone
  • Texture
  • Signs of Aging

MOXI™ Laser Recovery

MOXI™ is a non-ablative fractionated treatment, so you can return to daily activities following the procedure. The critical component of MOXI™ aftercare is to stay out of the sun and wear a moisturizing physical sunscreen. You can apply make-up 24 hours after laser treatment. Your skin may appear pink and feel hot to the touch. You’ll notice the treated skin cells flaking off over the next few days. After five days, you’ll notice that your skin is fresher and firmer.

MOXI™ Results and Lasting Effects

You will notice complete MOXI™ laser effects in a week. Your skin will have a radiant, glowing look and feel. To maintain optimal MOXI™ results, we recommend follow-up treatments. If you have significant dark spots or sun damage, you may need more treatments. Depending on your treatment goals and level of sun damage, we recommend three to five corrective treatments. Most patients receive maintenance treatments throughout the year. You can help improve lasting results by wearing sunscreen and protective clothing.

Contact EpiCentre Skin Care & Laser Center

MOXI™ skin treatment is an excellent way to maintain youthful, glowing skin. MOXI™ is just one of our exemplary Skin Care Treatments & Laser Therapy Services. We love helping our patients find minimally invasive methods to look and feel their best. EpiCentre Skin Care & Laser Center is committed to helping you find the skincare services that best fit your unique needs. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with our skin care professionals.

Depending on the level of treatment provided, most patients find the treatment well tolerated. Your practitioner may use cooling air and recommend numbing cream to help ensure your treatment is as comfortable as possible.

MOXI delivers fractionated laser energy to create micro-coagulation zones which the body then repairs, replacing damaged cells with fresh new ones. MOXI is designed to provide tonal and textural improvements to your face with low downtime, resulting in skin renewal.

Results vary depending on your treatment goals. For the day following your treatment, your skin may appear red and, depending on your level of treatment, you may see the small micro dots called mendz where the laser was applied. As the micro zones heal, they will darken and feel rough. Between days 3-5, the mendz will slough off, revealing the renewed skin beneath.

This will depend on your treatment goals and level of damage. Most patients receive 3-4 corrective treatments, then often will sign up for regular maintenance treatments throughout the year.

Love your skin by adding a MOXI treatment to your regular skin care maintenance routine.

Because this is a non-ablative fractionated treatment, the post care regimen is simple. Wear a moisturizing physical sunscreen and stay out of the sun. You may wear makeup 24 hours after your treatment.

beautiful woman touching her face

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