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diVa Laser Vaginal Therapy in Dallas, TX

diVa Laser Vaginal Therapy promotional image
Feel more like your younger, vital, sensual self. diVa™ is a quick, comfortable, no downtime solution to a woman’s most intimate challenges.

diVa utilizes the world’s first and only revolutionary Hybrid Fractional Laser (HFL) technology. Every woman is unique, and so are her needs. HFL technology allows your clinician to customize your treatments to address your intimate challenges and produce desired results.

Helping Women Feel More Like Their Vital, Sensual Selves

diVa, the latest innovation developed by Sciton, expands the broad range of JOULE™ platform capabilities to address a woman’s most intimate challenges. This new modality utilizes the revolutionary Hybrid Laser Technology developed for Halo™, the world’s first and only Hybrid Fractional Laser, to treat the vaginal tissue so that women can feel more like their younger, vital selves.

Hybrid Fractional Laser (HFL) Technology

diVa utilizes the revolutionary Hybrid Fractional Laser Technology developed for Halo, the world’s first and only Hybrid Fractional Laser, to provide independent levels of ablation and coagulation, as well as varying levels of density. This allows the provider to customize the treatment based on the patient’s desired results.

High Precision Automation

The highly accurate motorized control system allows providers to deliver the treatment with increased consistency, limited user variability, and decreased procedure time. HPA technology ensures treatments are uniform, predictable, fast, and safe for every patient.

Patient Safety

The single-use Strengthened Quartz Dilator (SQD) consists of a quartz tip that remains stationary to expand and flatten the vaginal tissue for a uniform treatment. As the handpiece is rotated through the treatment area, pulses are delivered through a new section of quartz to ensure laser efficiency. The SQD removes the need to clean the handpiece, which reduces the risk of cross-contamination and shortens the downtime between treatments.

diVa™ Laser Vaginal Therapy Procedure Includes

  • Series of 3 Treatments
  • Non-Surgical
  • Quick, In-Office Procedure
  • Virtually Painless
  • Long-Lasting Results

Schedule your consultation today at EpiCentre Skin Care & Laser Center in Dallas, TX.

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