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Get UpLyfted With Restylane® Lyft Filler

EpiCentre Skin Care & Laser Center provides Restylane® Lyft treatment for patients in Dallas, TX with moderate lines or wrinkles. When you visit our state-of-the-art facility, you can expect national- and world-renowned local plastic surgeons and physicians to be there for your cosmetic and restorative needs. The services and products we offer are carefully screened and tested by our physicians, who serve as patient advocates. Restylane® Lyft is one of the numerous Restylane® products we use at our skin care and laser center. This dermal filler is adept at providing patients with natural-looking volume and definition for their cheeks. We use this filler for cheek augmentation and the correction of age-related midface contour deficiencies. Reach out today to learn even more about the Restylane® Lyft.

beautiful woman touching her face

What is Restylane® Lyft?

Restylane® Lyft, formerly known as Perlane-L®, is an injectable hyaluronic acid gel used to correct volume loss and treat wrinkles in the face. Restylane® Lyft is the first and only FDA-approved filler indicated to provide lift to cheeks and add volume to correct and smooth smile lines.

The Benefits of Restylane® Lyft


As we age and our faces lose volume, some of us begin to look for ways to regain more definition in our cheeks without surgery. Restylane® Lyft is FDA-approved for cheek augmentation and the correction of age-related midface contour deficiencies in patients over the age of 21. This is in addition to treating moderate-to-severe facial wrinkles and folds, such as nasolabial folds (smile lines). The benefits of Restylane® Lyft include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Cost-effective treatment
  • No anesthesia needed
  • No discomfort to be had
  • Results can be reversed
  • Reduces smile lines
  • Short treatment time
  • Long-lasting results you’ll love
  • Restores a youthful appearance
  • Plumps and hydrates sagging cheeks
  • Non-invasive and non-surgical
  • Safe for patients with skin allergies

Restylane® Lyft Vs. Other Restylane® Products

When it comes to Restylane® products, there are several. The Restylane® product that is best for you and your unique needs is based on your target area and the depth of the lines and wrinkles you want to be reduced or eliminated. Below, we’ve gone into detail about each of the Restylane® products:

  • Restylane® Defyne – This latest product in the Restylane® line is designed to restore volume where age has caused the volume to be lost. Usually, this occurs around the lower cheeks. Age-related volume loss is known to cause laugh lines and marionette lines. Restylane® Defyne is FDA-approved to diminish these heavy lines and wrinkles so you can show expression while having volume restored and enjoying the benefits of this top-tier dermal filler.
  • Restylane® Lyft – This product is similar to Restylane® Defyne in that it restores lost volume in the face, eliminating fine lines and wrinkles. The most significant difference between Lyft and Defyne is that Defyne can treat severe smile lines, while Lyft treats mild and moderate ones.
  • Restylane® Refyne – This filler flexes the skin to eliminate fine lines and wrinkles. This filler is effective at doing so while the face is at rest and when showing facial expressions. Refyne enables you to fully express yourself because it moves with you while diminishing those stubborn lines and wrinkles. This product is most effective with moderate lines and wrinkles.

How Long Does Restylane® Lyft Last?

Results of Restylane® Lyft typically last around six months for the majority of first-time patients. Results of this dermal filler will last the longest in treatment areas without high mobility, such as the forehead and cheeks. Restylane® results vary from person to person.

Contact Us Today for Restylane® Lyft Treatment

Whether you’re interested in Restylane® Lyft lips or Restylane® Lyft cheeks, our team of professionals can help. With years of experience serving the cosmetic and restorative needs of Dallas residents, you can rest assured you’re in good hands when you visit our skin care and laser center. To learn more about Restylane® Lyft before and after results or to schedule a consultation, contact us today.

beautiful woman touching her face

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