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Restylane Kysse in Dallas, TX

Enjoy Smoother, Plumper, & More Shapely Lips

Do you desire fuller, more shapely lips without surgery or constantly applying cosmetic products? EpiCentre Skin Care & Laser Center proudly offers our patients a wide selection of aesthetic treatments, including minimally invasive solutions for their lips. You can get professionally administered lip enhancement at our office in Dallas, TX, with Restylane Kysse. This treatment option is an FDA-approved hyaluronic acid filler designed to give you softer, natural-looking lips. The filler stretches and goes back to its prior space as your face moves because the hyaluronic acid is bound to itself. When we inject Restylane Kysse into your lips, it integrates with the tissue and molds to it. You don’t have to worry about false-looking or feeling the enhancements as you talk, smile, and kiss. Instead of sitting over the tissue, the filler becomes one with your lips. Our medical professionals have advanced experience applying this cosmetic treatment for patients wishing to optimize their lips’ shape and volume.

beautiful woman touching her face

What Is Restylane Kysse?

Before undergoing any cosmetic medical treatment, you should know the details about what it is and how it will affect you. Restylane Kysse is the first hyaluronic acid lip filler on the market formulated to give you smooth, natural-looking results with XpresHAn Technology™. It has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as safe to use, and the XpresHAn Technology™ lets the gel integrate into your skin to give you a natural look while your lips and face are in motion. EpiCentre Skin Care & Laser Center uses Restylane Kysse to smooth wrinkles and add fullness to your lips by injecting it into the tissue. Patients over the age of 21 are eligible to receive the Restylane Kysse treatment. This lip filler’s effects show up soon after getting it injected, and the results can last for up to a year. Get rid of the wrinkles and enjoy fuller, more enhanced lips by coming to our medical office to discuss Restylane Kysse.

Highlights of the Treatment Process

Treatment is quick and simple, with minimal discomfort during the injection. Restylane Kysse contains Lidocaine, numbing the affected area as we inject the filler into your lips. During your appointment, we use an ultrafine needle to inject the hyaluronic acid filler to add fullness. We can also inject it into the skin above your lips to smooth out wrinkles around your upper lip, known as perioral lines. Patients receiving treatment can expect possible redness, swelling, bruising, bumps, and other minor side effects. Restylane Kysse creates greater structure because it is more particulate while integrating with your tissue, which also makes it ideal for lifting tight creases. Treatment results can last for up to 11 months, giving your lips better shape and more volume and smooth skin above your lips. For a week following your injection, avoid sun exposure and sunbathing, tanning beds, saunas, and extreme cold. Do not take anti-inflammatory, non-steroidal medications like Ibuprofen.

Comparing Restylane & Juvéderm as Lip Fillers

EpiCentre Skin Care & Laser Center’s medical team will advise you on the best treatment to achieve your cosmetic goals. Restylane and Juvéderm have products to enhance your lips that are safe and long-lasting, including Restylane Kysse and Juvéderm Ultra Plus XC. Restylane Kysse is a filler with a lower G prime, giving it a softer look and feel while spreading through your tissues easier and moving with your face better. Restylane Kysse has also been shown to give you more natural-looking results and cause less swelling than other injectable fillers. Juvéderm is also an excellent option to give your lips a pillowy and voluminous look. Both treatments take 30 to 60 minutes during an in-office appointment, and there is virtually no downtime after your injections. Each patient has their own aesthetic goals and needs, so we evaluate their individual case to determine whether Restylane or Juvéderm is the better choice.

Why Choose EpiCentre Skin Care & Laser Treatment?

You should always entrust your skincare and other cosmetic procedures to highly trained professionals to ensure you get a safe treatment and the best possible results. EpiCentre Skin Care & Laser Center has delivered unparalleled results on treatments like Restylane and Juvéderm for years. Our knowledgeable medical staff and collection of next-generation treatments keep your face smoother, add volume to your lips and skin, and help you look and feel your best. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and discuss your cosmetic goals with our talented and friendly staff.

beautiful woman touching her face

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