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KYBELLA® in Dallas, TX

If you feel self-conscious about having a double chin, you aren’t alone. Thousands of people have turned to KYBELLA®, the only FDA-approved injectable treatment for eliminating or reducing the appearance of a double chin. At EpiCentre Skin Care & Laser Center, we have been offering our patients unparalleled results in skincare and aesthetic treatments. Our goal is to help our patients take charge of their appearance and feel confident and comfortable in their skin. Call us to schedule a consultation to find out if you are a good candidate for KYBELLA® in Dallas, TX.


KYBELLA® is a nonsurgical injectable filler that uses deoxycholic acid to target and destroy the fat cells beneath the chin. The treatment doesn’t require you to undergo anesthesia, and we will not make any incisions. There is very little downtime and very little risk of side effects or complications. The results are obvious and noticeable but not unnatural looking.

Who Should Consider KYBELLA® for Double Chin Removal?

You may be a good candidate for KYBELLA® if you feel self-conscious about your appearance or have lost confidence due to a double chin. KYBELLA® is a safe, effective alternative to more invasive surgical procedures like liposuction. The ideal KYBELLA® candidates are men and women 18 years old or older with moderate-to-severe fat beneath their chin. We will schedule an in-depth consultation to explain the procedure, evaluate your overall health, review your concerns and goals, and ensure you have reasonable expectations for the procedure’s results. You should consider KYBELLA treatment if you:

  • Are bothered by a double chin, or areas of fat beneath your chin.
  • You would prefer to avoid a surgical procedure.
  • Your double chin is affecting your self-esteem, confidence, and happiness.
  • You are healthy overall, eat well, and exercise, but you still have a double chin.

You can also look through our KYBELLA® before and after photos to see if the procedure is right for you.

Preparing for KYBELLA®

We will help you prepare for KYBELLA® and understand what to expect before, during, and after KYBELLA® treatment. We will go over your medical history and discuss any previous aesthetic, cosmetic, or surgical procedures you have done. We may tell you to avoid certain medications in the weeks leading up to your procedure. We ask that you arrive at your appointment with a clean face free from makeup, lotions, serums, gels, perfumes, and any other skin care products.

What to Expect During & After KYBELLA® Treatment

Before we begin, we will mark the injection sites on your chin with a marker and apply a numbing agent to ensure you don’t feel any discomfort. We typically administer 25-50 injections of KYBELLA®. In some cases, you may need multiple treatments to get the desired results. You will notice results gradually over time, so the results will seem natural. Most people don’t experience any discomfort or require any downtime. The results of KYBELLA® treatments are permanent.


Read through these answers to frequently asked questions about KYBELLA®, and call us if you have any questions that aren’t answered here:

KYBELLA® uses a synthetic version of a substance called deoxycholic acid to break down and destroy fat cells in the chin. Deoxycholic acid is a bile acid naturally produced by your body to absorb fat. We will inject the substance into the chin area, and it will destroy the fat cells so that they can’t store fat any longer.

The results of KYBELLA® last for a lifetime; however, hormonal fluctuations or extreme weight gain can affect the results.

Some people have amazing results after just one KYBELLA® treatment session, while others may need two to four treatments. Each KYBELLA® treatment session is given at least 1 month apart, and you should not receive more than 6 treatments. In clinical studies, 59% of patients received 6 treatments.

Most people don’t experience any negative side effects or require downtime after KYBELLA® treatments. If you do experience side effects, they should go away in one or two weeks.

Schedule a Consultation for KYBELLA®

If you are ready to find out if you’re a good candidate for KYBELLA double chin removal in Dallas, TX, our team at EpiCentre Skin Care & Laser Center can help. Call us today or contact us online to schedule a consultation. Our experienced, friendly Advanced Nurse Injectors will tell you more about how KYBELLA® can help you reduce a double chin and restore a healthier, more attractive appearance.

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