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Restoring Facial Volume With Juvéderm Voluma XC

The signs of aging aren’t limited to wrinkles. In fact, a key (yet less frequently discussed) sign of aging is the loss of fullness in the cheeks. This can be challenging to correct, with limited surgical and non-surgical solutions available. Fortunately, the Juvéderm collection has a new product added to their line of leading-edge facial fillers, a product specially formulated to restore facial volume lost over time: Juvéderm VOLUMA.

At EpiCentre Skin Care & Laser Center in Dallas, TX, we’re proud to offer VOLUMA™, an innovative injectable hyaluronic acid facial filler that delivers smooth, natural-looking fullness to sunken cheeks and firmness to a softening jawline. Juvéderm Voluma has been reported to last up to 18 months, longer than most other facial fillers. Call us today to learn more about how our Juvéderm Voluma treatments can help you!

beautiful woman touching her face

What Does Juvéderm VOLUMA Treat?

Like all the Juvéderm fillers in its line, Juvéderm Voluma contains a form of hyaluronic acid in a smooth gel formula. During the treatment process, your technician will clean the chosen area and administer the filler in precise locations to instantly plump, contour, and lift the cheeks.

Unlike many injectables and fillers, patients usually see results immediately, and your results will continue to develop and improve in the week following your treatment.

About the Juvéderm Procedure

The first of its kind, Juvéderm VOLUMA, is a hyaluronic acid facial filler specifically made to restore age-related volume loss in the mid-face (the cheeks, cheekbones, and around the chin). Juvéderm VOLUMA uses hyaluronic acid, a naturally-occurring sugar in your skin, to instantly restore lost facial volume in your cheeks and contour your chin.

Additionally, Juvéderm VOLUMA combines with collagen and elastin to improve skin structure and elasticity and create a smooth, natural look. The results are instant, natural-looking, and can last up to 18 months. Plus, there’s little to no downtime with this minimally invasive procedure – most people resume normal activities immediately.

Side Effects & After Care

This treatment process for injectables and fillers is quick, and the side effects are usually mild. Mild pain, discomfort, bruising, and swelling can be common the first few days following the treatment. If your side effects persist or worsen, you should call a doctor right away to discuss your symptoms. To avoid inflammation in the treated area, you shouldn’t do any strenuous physical activity for at least 24 hours following your treatment.

Additionally, you should avoid touching the treated area so the filler can properly settle and integrate with your skin’s structure

How Long Does It Take to Work?

Results are usually seen immediately and become more apparent in the days following the procedure.

How Long Does Juvéderm Voluma Last?

Juvéderm Voluma results last up to six months and can be extended with a follow-up treatment session three months after your first session to help maintain your results for one year or more. When you begin treatment, our team will help you choose the right treatment plan for your unique needs so you can regain your confidence and feel amazing.

How Does Juvéderm Voluma Differ From Other Juvéderm Fillers?

Juvéderm Voluma was specially designed to address fine lines, wrinkles, and sunken areas of the mid-face and cheeks. Other products in the Juvéderm line address various areas of the face, including the lips, forehead and eyes, and the chin.

Visit EpiCentre Today for Premier Juvéderm Treatments

Our highly experienced medical staff and doctors are proud to offer state-of-the-art medical skin care treatments for residents throughout Dallas, TX, and the surrounding areas. With a wide range of skin care treatments, body treatments, injectables and fillers, and more, we can help restore your confidence and bring back that radiant glow.

Whether you’re interested in learning more about our dermal fillers or laser corrective treatments, we can come up with the perfect treatment plan to help you get the results you desire. Contact us today to learn more about Juvéderm Voluma treatments or schedule an appointment. We look forward to hearing from you!

beautiful woman touching her face

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