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Juvederm Ultra Plus in Dallas, TX

Treatment to Restore Your Skin’s Youthful Appearance

EpiCentre Skin Care & Laser Center is proud to offer our patients a variety of cosmetic and aesthetic skin treatment options. We offer a wide range of injectable fillers that can add volume, eliminate fine lines and wrinkles, and plump your cheeks and lips. If you’re interested in reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles or reversing volume loss in your face, you might be a good candidate for Juvederm Ultra Plus in Dallas, TX. Juvéderm Ultra Plus XC is a fantastic option to turn back the clock on facial lines and wrinkles and achieve smoother, plumper lips and skin. Our priority is producing the best possible results for every patient based on their individual needs. Call us to schedule a consultation, and we will evaluate your skin and advise you on our selection of dermal fillers and injectables.

beautiful woman touching her face

What Is Juvederm Ultra Plus XC?

Juvéderm Ultra Plus XC is an injectable gel dermal filler made with hyaluronic acid designed to smooth moderate to severe wrinkles and folds, especially those around the mouth and nose. Treating your facial tissue with Juvéderm Ultra Plus will result in plumper skin and corrected facial wrinkles and lines, from fine lines around your lips and eyes to deeper folds like marionette lines.

Who Should Consider Juvederm Ultra Plus XC?

We recommend Juvederm Ultra Plus XC if you have fine lines or deep wrinkles like corners, parentheses, and marionette lines forming around your mouth and nose. You should consider Juvederm Ultra Plus XC if you have deep wrinkles or folds or areas of lost volume around your eyes or cheeks. We can also use Juvederm Ultra Plus XC to augment the appearance of your lips.

What to Expect During & After Treatment

Our aesthetic professionals have advanced training and experience administering Juvederm Ultra Plus XC to patients with deep lines, wrinkles, and volume loss in their faces. We will numb the targeted injection area and then skillfully inject the Juvederm filler into the dermal layers. The hyaluronic acid plumps the skin and smooths out lines and wrinkles. You should not experience any pain or discomfort, and most patients can immediately return to their regular routine without major side effects. The filler works naturally, and while you see immediate improvement, it may take two to three weeks to settle into your skin. Side effects of treatment include redness, swelling, lumps or bumps, tenderness, bruising, firmness, and discoloration. You can expect the effects of Juvéderm Ultra Plus XC to last about 12 months, but you might need a touch-up between six and nine months after your initial injections.

FAQs About Juvederm Ultra Plus XC

Read through the answers to these frequently asked questions about Juvederm Ultra Plus XC, and then let us know if you have a question that isn’t answered here:

Juvederm Ultra Plus XC uses a hyaluronic acid gel to augment the lips or add volume to the skin. This smooths out fine lines and deep wrinkles and fills in hollows or areas of lost volume. Hyaluronic acid is a substance that is produced naturally in the body.

The results of Juvederm Ultra Plus XC can last up to one year. If you notice the results fading, you can get additional treatments between six and nine months after your initial injection.

Both Juvederm Ultra and Juvederm Ultra Plus XC are FDA-approved for treating moderate to severe wrinkles and folds. Juvederm Ultra Plus XC is also FDA-approved for plumping the lips, improving their symmetry, and changing their overall appearance.

Most people don’t experience any major side effects from Juvederm Ultra Plus XC; however, some people experience mild, temporary side effects like redness, swelling, irritation, tenderness, pain, bruising, itching, discoloration, firmness, or lumps or bumps at the injection site. Most side effects go away in one or two weeks.

Before your treatment, we will clean your skin with an antiseptic and apply a numbing gel. Juvederm Ultra Plus XC includes lidocaine in its formula, so you should not experience any pain or discomfort. We will use a fine, sterile needle to inject the filler into the targeted areas. We may do multiple injections in different areas to give you the results you want.

Juvederm Ultra Plus XC is used to treat fine lines, deep wrinkles, deep folds like nasolabial folds and marionette lines, smooth the skin, make it appear more supple and tighter, and enhance the appearance and symmetry of the lips.

Juvederm Ultra Plus XC is a hyaluronic acid dermal filler that can be injected underneath the surface of your skin to reduce or eliminate fine lines or deep wrinkles. The filler can also be used to add volume and symmetry to the lips.

Schedule a Consultation for Juvederm Ultra Plus for Lips

EpiCentre Skin Care & Laser Center offers regular treatments with Juvederm Ultra Plus XC in Dallas, TX, on moderate to severe facial folds and lines. Call us today or contact us online to schedule an appointment with our Advanced Nurse Injectors.  We will discuss your ambitions and examine your skin to determine whether Juvéderm Ultra Plus XC is the best choice for you.

beautiful woman touching her face

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