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DAXXIFY daxibotulinumtoxinA-Ianm Injection Logo

The Next Generation of Wrinkle-Relaxing Injections

Are you looking for a frown line treatment? EpiCentre Skin Care & Laser Center provides DAXXIFY™ injectables in Dallas, TX and throughout the surrounding areas. DAXXIFY™ is the latest FDA-approved injectable that has been clinically proven to reduce the appearance of facial wrinkles, crow’s feet, worry lines, and frown lines. This innovative formula has been shown to provide longer-lasting results than other products on the market, making it a popular choice for those seeking a non-surgical solution to treat wrinkles and frown lines. Read on to learn more about DAXXIFY™ and other injectables.

What is DAXXIFY?

DAXXIFY™ is a revolutionary, long-lasting injectable treatment for moderate-to-severe glabellar lines (frown lines) that has received FDA approval. This facial injectable is a game-changing solution for those seeking to address the appearance of frown lines and achieve a more youthful, radiant look.

The Benefits of DAXXIFY™ Injectables

DAXXIFY™ injectables can offer a wide range of benefits to those who choose to get them. Not only can these FDA-approved injectables minimize the appearance of moderate-to-severe frown lines, but they are also considered to be a fine line treatment, as well as a BOTOX® alternative. Additionally, when compared to other injectable wrinkle treatments that require a 10 to 14 day period to see results, DAXXIFY™ is incredibly fast-acting. Though every patient is unique and has different results and recovery times, results from this innovative procedure are typically seen within two days of the treatment. In clinical trials, over half of the patients who used DAXXIFY™ saw results that lasted for six months or longer, with some even reporting a reduction in frown lines for up to nine months. While individual results and recovery times may vary, DAXXIFY™ is a highly-effective option for addressing wrinkles.

BOTOX® can treat frown lines, as well as other parts of the face, such as crow’s feet and forehead lines. However, DAXXIFY™ is only FDA-approved to treat and smooth frown lines.

DAXXIFY™ injectables can be used for long-lasting frown lines, as well as to help smooth moderate-to-severe lines between the brows. On average, DAXXIFY™ lasts six to nine months.

DAXXIFY™ is a groundbreaking injectable treatment for wrinkles that utilizes Peptide Exchange Technology™ (PXT) as a stabilizer rather than human or animal products. This marks the first significant innovation in the field of neurotoxin injectables for wrinkle treatment in three decades. In clinical trials, DAXXIFY™ has been shown to provide results for up to nine months. It is the first and only wrinkle-relaxing injection formulated with a peptide.

Injectables are only as successful as the injector, as decisions about where and how much filler to apply will affect how effective and natural-looking the outcome. DAXXIFY™ is the leading edge of fillers, and while it’s perfectly safe, you should work with a team who knows human anatomy and how to best utilize injectables. During a consultation with one of our providers, we encourage you to discuss your specific concerns and aesthetic goals. We will help you determine the best treatment plan to meet your needs. This personalized approach ensures that you get the best results for your specific needs.

Contact Us Today About DAXXIFY™

At EpiCentre Skin Care & Laser Center, we are proud to offer an impressive range of injectables and fillers – and now we even offer DAXXIFY™ injectables! We’d love you to be among the first to experience the benefits of this revolutionary treatment. Our team has advanced training and experience in all the injectables and fillers we offer at EpiCentre. Let our professional team help correct your facial signs of aging with safe and highly effective treatments like DAXXIFY™. To learn more about how to achieve lasting skin care results, contact us today. We look forward to working with you and providing you with exceptional care.

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