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Non-Surgical Brazilian Buttock Lift (BBL) Injections

Nonsurgical Brazilian Buttock Lift in Dallas, TX

Like other areas of your body, your butt can experience changes over time that leave you feeling less than satisfied with your appearance. Your buttocks may eventually lose their firmness and shape due to age, pregnancy, weight fluctuations, menopause, and gravity. If your curves have become noticeably reduced, or you don’t feel as confident in your appearance, EpiCentre Skin Care & Laser Center offers two treatment options to restore your perkier derriere so you can flaunt your favorite jeans with confidence once again. Call us to learn more about nonsurgical Brazilian buttock lifts in Dallas, TX, with Sculptra or Radiesse.

BBL With Sculptra

Sculptra, also known as poly-L-lactic acid, is a safe, effective alternative to surgical buttock augmentation. This product stimulates your own body’s collagen production for a smoother, plumper butt. Your treatment protocol can be customized to address cellulite dimpling or hip dips and to create a shapelier butt. Results happen gradually after the injections, over the course of weeks to months.

BBL With Radiesse

Radiesse is a calcium-based filler that adds volume to the targeted treatment area and promotes collagen production in the injection area. This means that you will see instant results, and it builds collagen over time to help plump and build more volume in the buttock area. It also helps with dimpling and cellulite.

Benefits of Nonsurgical Brazilian Butt Lifts

While a nonsurgical buttock lift may not be the best choice for every patient, those who do undergo the procedure will see numerous benefits:

  • Fast office procedure, usually completed in 60 minutes.
  • No anesthesia is required for the treatment.
  • No incisions mean no post-operative scarring.
  • No need to have sufficient fat in another area for transfer.
  • Patients return to regular activities right away.
  • Results appear naturally and gradually in the following months.
  • A positive outcome may last up to three years or longer.

FAQs About Brazilian Butt Lifts

Read through the answers to the most frequently asked questions we get about Brazilian butt lifts, and then call us if you have a question that wasn’t answered here:

The results of a nonsurgical BBL usually last between one and two years, depending on how your body reacts to the procedure and your lifestyle.

The cost of a nonsurgical Brazilian butt lift may vary depending on where you live, how extensive you want the results to be, and whether you are getting Sculptra or Radiesse. The average cost of a nonsurgical BBL is around $8,000.

Yes, nonsurgical Brazilian butt lift procedures are safe if you get the procedure done by an expert. Sculptra and Radiesse are both FDA-approved for use in sculpting the butt and changing its size and appearance. You don’t need to worry about being under anesthesia or experiencing side effects like scarring, and you can typically return to your regular routine right away.

A nonsurgical Brazilian butt lift is an outpatient procedure that doesn’t require surgery or for you to be under general anesthesia. The procedure uses Sculptra or Radiesse to change the size, shape, symmetry, and overall appearance of your butt.

You might be a good candidate for a nonsurgical Brazilian butt lift if you are in good health overall, you are at a stable weight, you eat well and exercise regularly, and you have realistic expectations for the procedure. We will schedule an in-depth consultation before booking your procedure, during which we will go over your goals and needs, discuss past procedures and surgeries, and evaluate your overall health to determine if you are a good candidate.

Schedule a Consultation for a Brazilian Butt Lift Procedure

If you are one of the many women who have been struggling with the firmness and shape of your buttocks, a nonsurgical Brazilian butt lift could be the solution you have been waiting for. To learn more, call us today at EpiCentre Skin Care & Laser Center or contact us online to schedule an appointment to discuss getting a Brazilian butt lift in Dallas, TX.

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