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Treatments for Arm & Hand Rejuvenation in Dallas, TX

Facial and skin care treatments can reduce or eliminate fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots, but your hands also need special attention to reverse signs of aging. Since our hands are generally uncovered and we use them for multiple things, it becomes essential to take good care of them if you want them to look youthful. The most commonly faced hands and arm issues that can develop in adulthood and as you age include wrinkles, unwanted hair, dark fingers and elbows, dark spots on hands and arms, and uneven skin tones. There is a wide variety of skincare treatments for arm and hand rejuvenation in Dallas, TX, that can address current and future problems and restore a youthful appearance in your hands and arms. Keep reading to learn more about the best anti-aging treatments for hands and arms.


ClearV is a nonsurgical, minimally invasive laser treatment that targets damaged veins and blood vessels on the face, hands, and body. This safe, effective treatment option can get rid of spider veins and broken capillaries, venous lakes, port wine stains, periorbital veins, and cherry and spider angiomas. During the treatment, your skin care specialist will use a small device to deliver pulses of energy to the targeted treatment areas. Your body will absorb this light and release chemicals and healing agents that break down and absorb the remnants of the damaged veins or blood vessels.


CoolSculpting is a nonsurgical body sculpting treatment that addresses stubborn pockets of fat that don’t respond to diet and exercise. If you have excess fat on your upper arms that won’t go away no matter how much you exercise, you might be a good candidate for CoolSculpting. During CoolSculpting, your treatment provider will apply a device to your body that vacuums the skin above the area of fatty tissue and freezes the fat cells. When the fat cells die, your body will eliminate them naturally, reducing 20-25% of stubborn fat in the treatment area.


SkinPen is a microneedling treatment that creates microscopic holes, or microchannels, in the skin. These tiny wounds stimulate your body’s natural healing processes and encourage the production of collagen and elastin. SkinPen can treat arm and hand wrinkles and rejuvenate the appearance of your skin. The treatment is nonsurgical and minimally invasive and doesn't require any downtime or recovery time.


Endermologie is a non-invasive, nonsurgical treatment that uses lipomassage to rejuvenate the skin on the face, arms, and hands. It stimulates the skin, softening underlying fat and promoting blood and lymphatic circulation. Endermologie can address stubborn pockets of fat on the upper arms and reduce the appearance of wrinkles, cellulite, and skin dimples. Your skin will be smoother, tighter, and firmer after treatment.

Forever Young BBL Photofacial

Forever Young BBL Photofacial uses light therapy to stimulate healing processes in the skin and promote the production of collagen and elastin for smoother, tighter, and younger-looking skin. This treatment option is non-invasive and nonsurgical and uses laser light to target tissues deep within your skin and reduce the appearance of sunspots, sun damage, liver spots, wrinkles, and fine lines. Forever Young BBL Photofacials can be performed on the neck, chest, shoulders, back, arms, legs, and hands.

Halo Laser

Halo Laser treatment is a non-invasive, nonsurgical skin revitalization treatment that improves the texture, firmness, and overall appearance of the skin. Using low-level laser light, this treatment targets problem areas on the skin. It stimulates natural healing processes in your body that can reduce or eliminate the appearance of lines, wrinkles, discoloration, sunspots, age spots, liver spots, and skin laxity. This treatment can address multiple skin issues at one time and can rejuvenate your face, chest, abdomen, neck, arms, and hands.

Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal procedures are a semi-permanent way to get rid of excess or unwanted hair on the face, hands, arms, legs, and other parts of the body. Laser hair removal treatments can penetrate deep into your skin to destroy the hair follicle and prevent future hair growth. The treatment is low-risk, nonsurgical, and doesn’t require any downtime or recovery time. You can eliminate the need for shaving, waxing, bleaching, or using other hair removal methods and keep unwanted or stubborn hair away for good.


Morpheus8 is a safe, minimally invasive treatment that combines microneedling with radiofrequency (RF) energy to stimulate healthy cell and skin growth and improve the production of collagen and elastin. It can smooth and tighten skin and reduce loose and lax areas. Morpheus8 can be used on the face, neck, thigh, lower abdomen, arms, and hands and can treat fine lines, deep wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, lax skin, sun damage, and spider veins.


MOXI Laser by Sciton is a non-ablative laser that is used for laser resurfacing treatments. This innovative, advanced laser treatment uses non-ablative fractional laser light to promote the growth of healthy new skin and cells and reduce pigmentation, redness, scarring, sunspots, sun damage, and liver spots. It is one of the safest and most effective methods of treating the initial signs of sun damage and reducing the effects of aging. MOXI can be used on the face, arms, legs, neck, chest, and hands to rejuvenate the skin and help it appear younger-looking.

Thermage FLX

Thermage FLX is a simple, fast, and safe anti-aging treatment option for the face, hands, arms, neck, and body. This laser treatment can tighten skin, smooth wrinkles, and make skin look more plump, supple, and youthful. The treatment is performed by using a handheld device to deliver radiofrequency (RF) waves into the skin to stimulate the growth of collagen and elastin and make the skin tighter and smoother.

When to Consider Arm & Hand Rejuvenation in Dallas

You should consider arm or hand rejuvenation if you have skin concerns or problems that make you feel self-conscious about your appearance or that you think make you look older. Arm and hand rejuvenation treatments can revitalize your skin, make your arms and hands look younger, and make the skin look tighter and more supple. Arm and hand treatments can reduce or eliminate wrinkles, sagging or loose skin, age spots, sun damage, discoloration, hyperpigmentation, and more. If you are healthy overall and have one or more areas of concern that can’t be treated with over-the-counter anti-aging skin care products, you should consider visiting a professional for arm and hand rejuvenation.

womans hands


What Conditions Are Treated With Arm & Hand Treatments?

Before making an appointment for a skincare treatment for your arms or hands, you should understand what treatment options are possible so that you can maintain your expectations. An aesthetician or skincare specialist can evaluate the condition of your arms and hands, recommend treatments that address existing concerns and conditions, and reduce your risk of future problems. The most commonly treated arm and hand issues are:

  • Age spots
  • Liver spots
  • Sun damage
  • Rough or scaly patches of skin
  • Hyperpigmentation or discoloration
  • Loss of volume or hollows in the skin
  • Large or visible veins in the hand
  • Wrinkled or crepey skin
  • Loose skin
  • Sagging skin
  • Rough skin
  • Unwanted hair

Choosing the Right Arm & Hand Rejuvenation Treatments

In some cases, you can undergo multiple different arm and hand rejuvenation treatments to get the desired results. Other times, it’s recommended that you start with one or two treatment methods and then wait for a certain period of time before undergoing other procedures. So, how do you know which arm or hand rejuvenation treatment is right for you? We recommend visiting an experienced aesthetician or skin care specialist for a full consultation and evaluation. During this evaluation, they will assess the condition and age of your skin, discuss your areas of concern and problems, and evaluate your overall health and your expectations for treatment. You will need to consider whether you want surgical or nonsurgical treatment options and which areas of concern you want to address first. Laser skin resurfacing and Halo laser treatments can address multiple areas of concern at one time. When you have healed from that procedure, you can then move on to treatment options that address sun damage, wrinkles, and stubborn pockets of fat, like CoolSculpting, dermal fillers, and Endermologie. Ultimately, your skin care specialist will help you understand what procedures are right for you, what results to expect, and how long to wait in between each procedure in order to stay safe and achieve the best results.

Schedule a Consultation for Arm & Hand Rejuvenation

If you’re dissatisfied with the appearance of the skin on your arms or hands, our team at EpiCentre Skin Care & Laser Center can help. We offer a wide variety of arm and hand rejuvenation treatment options in Dallas, TX. Our team will assess your condition, discuss your needs and concerns, and design a highly personalized treatment program that combines multiple skin and body treatments to give you the results you desire. Call us today or contact us online to schedule a consultation.

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