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Looking For Expert Skin Care & Laser Therapy in Dallas, TX?

At EpiCentre Skin Care & Laser Center, we are dedicated to helping you achieve the best possible results with our personalized skincare approach. What distinguishes EpiCentre as a world-class premier skincare and laser center is our dedication to excellence in providing medical skincare for our patients. Unlike many other medical spa and skincare locations, our experienced staff of physician assistants, registered nurses, licensed aestheticians, and medical assistants maintain the highest levels of qualifications and have years of experience. Our physicians at Dallas Plastic Surgery Institute are on-site as well. Patient safety is our top priority, and we are directed by national and world-renowned local plastic surgeons and physicians. All the treatments, services, and products we offer have been carefully screened and tested by our physicians, who serve as patient advocates in evaluating new technologies and their proposed benefits.

Facial Treatment

Hydrate and Rejuvenate

Relax and enjoy a deep pore cleansing facial treatment to re-energize your skin. Through exfoliation, steam, and a rejuvenating mask and eye balm application, your skin will be left smooth, hydrated, and with a rejuvenated glow.

EpiCentre Skin Care & Laser Center is proud to be recognized by The Dallas A-List 4 times as the Best Facials in Dallas!

Hydrate & Rejuvenate With Facial Treatments at EpiCentre

From injectable fillers to laser treatment services and everything in between, our team aims to provide a comprehensive experience for you right here in Dallas. Your skin is a complex organ and goes through many changes as you age. No matter which stage of life you are in, you can benefit from professional skincare from a medical spa that has years of experience and excellent patient reviews. We take pride in being a trusted resource for our patients. We know that beautiful skin leads to a beautiful outlook on life. The services we provide include:

  • Face – Re-energize your skin with a HydraFacial treatment. Through exfoliation, extraction, antioxidants and peptides, your skin will be glowing and left feeling hydrated, smooth, and completely rejuvenated. We are proud to be recognized by The Dallas A-List 4 times as the Best HydraFacials in Dallas!
  • Neck – The neck is one of the places that people tend to forget about when it comes to skincare, but it’s one of the first places on your body that starts showing signs of aging. The skin on the neck is thinner and weaker, and most of us forget about it in our daily skincare routine. We have several skincare solutions that can help tighten and rejuvenate your neck.
  • Hands & Arms – You may primarily focus on your face when it comes to keeping those wrinkles and age spots away, but your hands can make you look older than you actually are! People tend to ignore their hands and arms in their daily beauty routine, but it becomes essential to take care of them if you want them to look youthful. We offer several body treatments to combat signs of aging in areas other than your face. Our hands are generally uncovered, and we use them for multiple things. Commonly faced beauty problems people experience include wrinkles, laxity of the skin, dark spots and broken capillaries on the entire body, unwanted hair, and uneven skin tones.
  • Chest – Like the neck, the skin on your chest is one of the first areas of the body to show signs of aging. Most women often prioritize treating the skin on their face and ignore the chest in their skincare regimen, especially when it comes to sun protection. Neglecting this region can lead to a mismatched skin appearance over time.
  • Abdomen – The abdomen is a common trouble area for many people, and it can be hard to tone this area of your body with simple dieting and exercise alone. We have several skincare treatments that can target this area of your body for the best results possible.
  • Legs – EpiCentre Skin Care & Laser Center offers specific skin treatments to not just shape up the legs but also beautify them before you show them off to the world. Our skincare specialists can consult with you on which laser therapy treatment will allow for the best results for your specific condition. We offer several skincare treatments to help you achieve the legs of your dreams!

What Is HydraFacial MD®?

If you’re looking for a quick treatment that delivers real results with no downtime or discomfort, the HydraFacial MD® facial treatment is a perfect solution for improving your overall skin health. HydraFacial MD® is a non-invasive, multistep treatment that combines the benefits of next-level hydradermabrasion, a chemical peel, automated painless extractions (no pinching!), and a special delivery of Antioxidants, Hyaluronic Acid, and Peptides that are great for your skin. Our patients love this facial treatment because it involves no downtime or discomfort, results are visible immediately, it addresses specific skin concerns, and it’s the most powerful non-invasive treatment available.

Great for all skin types, the HydraFacial MD® Treatment is an excellent remedy for:

  • Fine lines & wrinkles
  • Elasticity & firmness
  • Even skin tone
  • Vibrancy
  • Skin texture
  • Enlarged pores
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Oily skin

Rejuvenate Your Skin With BBL/Photofacials


beautiful woman touching her face

BBL Photofacials are skin rejuvenation treatments that help you get camera ready. If you’ve ever felt less confident due to an uneven skin tone or have had little spots of discoloration covered up with makeup, there’s a simple solution. This facial treatment uses intense pulses of light to penetrate deep into the layers of your skin cells. The light pulses cause collagen and blood vessels to shrink below the epidermis layer to help lift and break up dark spots and hyperpigmentation areas. This non-invasive treatment method also makes it safe and effective for these areas of your body:

  • Neck
  • Chest
  • Shoulders
  • Back
  • Arms
  • Legs

The full results of the treatment will be visible over the course of a few weeks. You’ll begin to see smoother and clearer skin with each passing day! We recommend having three to five sessions to achieve lasting results.

How Can BBL HERO (High Energy Rapid Output™) Improve My Skin?

Sciton’s BroadBand Light is well known in the industry for being the most robust and powerful IPL (intense pulsed light). With the release of the groundbreaking BBL HERO™ (High Energy Rapid Output™), Sciton elevates the market yet again. BBL HERO treats the entire body with Forever Young BBL+™ and Forever Body™, designed to deliver dramatic improvements for tone and texture anywhere on the body in a quarter of the time.

BBL HERO™ is revolutionary technology added onto the BBL handpiece, ensuring results are quickly delivered anywhere on the body with no downtime or discomfort. This treatment delivers four times the speed, three times the peak power, and twice the cooling, which creates a greater capacity to treat patients quickly. We can quickly treat large areas such as your back, arms, and legs in two to five minutes without stamping.

Refresh Your Skin With a Variety of Chemical Peels


EpiCentre offers a range of different strength chemical peels that licensed medical professionals can select to provide optimum, personalized treatment for our patients. Some chemical peels will focus on exfoliating your skin, while others are designed to stimulate the growth of collagen and elastin in your skin. We offer a variety of chemical peels from light to mid-depth designed to refresh and rejuvenate your skin with little to no downtime:

  • Vitalize Peel
  • Rejuvenize Peel
  • Illuminize Peel
  • ZO 3-Step Peel
  • ZO Stimulator Peel

Remove Dead Skin Cells & Fine Hair With Dermaplaning

The dermaplaning services we offer are great for patients who want rejuvenated skin, fewer fine lines, and wrinkles, and to get rid of any peach fuzz on their face. Dermaplaning removes fine hair and dead surface cells with a blade that is taken across the skin surface. This procedure is suitable for patients using Retin A or a similar strong skincare product whose skin is too sensitive for waxing, which could result in irritating abrasions. A dermaplaning procedure takes about 30 minutes, and patients find it to be pleasant and pain-free. For enhanced results, dermaplaning can be done with various other chemical peels.

After the session is complete, skincare products are then applied to enhance the treatment. Following the procedure, patients may be pink with a radiant glow.

Treat Spider Veins with VeinGogh

The VeinGogh Ohmic Thermolysis System provides a superior correction for the treatment of fine spider veins or telangiectasia, especially on surface blood vessels that have shown themselves to be resistant to other forms of spider vein treatments like sclerotherapy, laser therapy, or IPL. VeinGogh is an extremely fast, minimally invasive way to treat spider veins cosmetically with less discomfort and better results than other therapies.

The VeinGogh system we use has a micro-thin, insulated needle-like probe that transmits heat directly to the location, which coagulates and instantly eliminates most spider vein vessels on any skin-type, and on virtually any part of the body.

Check Out Our Current Specials

Check out the specials we have available to save money on high-quality services and treatments. Be sure to check back periodically for new monthly and seasonal specials!

Why Choose EpiCentre For Expert Skin Care Services?

The medical professionals at EpiCentre Skin Care & Laser Center can help you find personalized facial treatments for nearly any concern you may have. Whether you want to explore the benefits of laser treatments or find out more about injectable fillers, we are happy to help during each step of the process. Contact us directly for more information about our services or to schedule an appointment for a consultation. We look forward to hearing from you!

beautiful woman touching her face

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