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Veingogh Ohmic Thermolysis System

Spider Vein Treatment

The VeinGogh Ohmic Thermolysis System provides a superior correction for the treatment of fine spider veins or telangiectasia, especially on surface blood vessels that have shown themselves to be resistant to other forms of spider vein treatments like sclerotherapy, laser or IPL.

VeinGogh is an extremely fast, easy way to treat spider veins cosmetically with less discomfort, and better results compared to other therapies. Unfortunately, most lasers and other light-based solutions can be expensive, are typically skin-type dependent, and have a greater risk of causing injury.

The VeinGogh system uses a micro-thin, insulated needle-like probe that transmits heat directly to the location, which coagulates and instantly eliminates most spider vein vessels, on any skin-type, and on virtually any part of the body.

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