CoolSculpting® in Dallas, TX
Eliminate Stubborn Fat Safely & Effectively
EpiCentre Skin Care & Laser Center understands the stress and struggle of losing body fat that won’t seem to budge. Our med spa offers various innovative skin tightening solutions to trim and optimize your physique in Dallas, TX. CoolSculpting® is one of our most popular treatments. This outstanding procedure eliminates stubborn fat from various areas around your body safely and effectively. You can smooth out your abdomen, hips, and other problematic areas without surgery or downtime following your appointment. CoolSculpting® is the only Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved procedure to safely target and eliminate exercise- and diet-resistant fat using controlled cooling. The results of CoolSculpting® on your stomach, arms, legs, and posterior are noticeable and long-lasting. Look and feel your best from every angle with professional treatment from our talented and friendly medical professionals.
What Is Coolsculpting® & How Does It Work?
It is important to get familiar with a treatment option before agreeing to apply it to your body. You need to know how safe it is and whether its effects are worth the investment. EpiCentre Skin Care & Laser Center is proud to offer CoolSculpting® because of its consistently proven results with relatively little discomfort and no downtime following your appointment. This innovative procedure removes fat from under your skin by freezing it away with controlled cooling. The fat in your body freezes at a much higher temperature than your other tissues in the surrounding areas. This treatment targets your fat cells by precisely controlling the cooling temperature so that they crystallize and die. Your body naturally processes these dead fat cells and removes them from the body, leading to a more sculpted shape for you. When you choose to undergo CoolSculpting®, we develop a customized treatment plan to address your specific problem areas.
Am I a Candidate for Treatment?
CoolSculpting® may not be an option for everyone, so let our highly trained staff evaluate your physical condition and discuss the best strategies for skin tightening and fat loss. A good candidate for CoolSculpting® will have noticeable and unwanted fat bulges in areas. This fat reduction procedure is specifically designed for clients with diet- and exercise-resistant fat deposits. However, it is not an option for people who are obese. CoolSculpting® is a non-surgical fat removal alternative to liposuction. We tailor your treatment plan to fit your needs, budget, and specific area of unwanted fat. The cost of this procedure varies depending on your ultimate goals, the areas you’re concerned about, and the number of sessions you need to reach your goals. A customized treatment plan is necessary to achieve the best results. No two clients have the same body, fat deposits, or treatment ambitions. The consistent factor in treatment is CoolSculpting®’s efficacy in eliminating fat cells.
CoolSculpting® Side Effects, Process, & Results
During your CoolSculpting® treatments, you will feel pressure and intense cold in the areas we target, but this typically only stands out during the first few minutes. The feeling dissipates, and you can easily distract yourself by reading, working on your laptop, or taking a nap. Each session’s length will depend on the number of areas we treat during each visit. You might need to schedule additional sessions to achieve your unique goals fully. This procedure is completely safe, having been cleared by the FDA to use on a person’s abdomen, thighs, and flanks (also known as love handles). It is proven effective at reducing fat without surgery. The typical immediate side effects of treatment include numbness, pinching, tugging, deep pulling, and discomfort during the procedure. You may experience temporary redness, numbness, firmness, bruising, stinging, pain, or swelling after your procedure. CoolSculpting® is not an option for people suffering from cryoglobulinemia or paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria. The treatment permanently kills and eliminates fat cells in the targeted areas. Over time, you will notice fat reduction and tighter skin.
Enjoy Long-Lasting Fat Loss in Dallas, TX
CoolSculpting® is not designed for people who are obese, but clients with areas of stubborn fat can rely on this procedure to trim down these problem areas. After your sessions, you can typically return to your daily life immediately. Our clients often go back to work right after an appointment. Your body will continue to flush out fat cells for the next four to six months, but you may notice changes as soon as three weeks after treatment. The most dramatic results will show up after two months. EpiCentre Skin Care & Laser Center has your best interests at heart and will advise you on whether CoolSculpting® is the best choice to eliminate diet- and exercise-resistant fat. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with our team of medical professionals.
Frequently Asked Questions About CoolSculpting®
Are you ready to love every view of you? The sooner you set up your consultation, the sooner you’ll see results in the mirror—long-term results in those areas that have resisted all efforts through diet and exercise. Contact us today to find out if the CoolSculpting® fat freezing procedure is right for you. Keep reading to learn the answers to some of our most frequently asked questions regarding our CoolSculpting® treatment:
**PLEASE NOTE: Results and patient experience may vary.**
Ideal candidates for CoolSculpting® have noticeable bulges in certain areas they’d like to get rid of. The CoolSculpting® fat reduction and skin tightening procedure is specifically designed for those who have unwanted fat that resists diet and exercise. Unlike gastric bypass surgery, the CoolSculpting® procedure is not a weight loss solution for people who are obese. It is, however, a non-surgical alternative to liposuction. Request a one-on-one consultation with us to determine if the CoolSculpting® procedure is right for you.
During the procedure, you may experience deep pulling, tugging, pinching, numbness, or discomfort. Following the procedure, typical side effects include temporary numbness, redness, swelling, bruising, firmness, tingling, stinging, and pain. Rare side effects may also occur, so be sure to speak with your medical provider beforehand, as the CoolSculpting® procedure is not for everyone. You should not have the CoolSculpting® procedure if you suffer from cryoglobulinemia or paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria. Additionally, the CoolSculpting® procedure is not a treatment for obesity. As with any medical procedure, you can consult with our team at EpiCentre Skin Care & Laser Center to learn if the CoolSculpting® procedure is right for you.
Yes, you can. The CoolSculpting® procedure is completely non-surgical, so typically, you can return to normal activities immediately. Oftentimes, our patients will return to work once their CoolSculpting® session is over.
No supplements or pills are required when CoolSculpting®, and you do not have to adopt a new diet or exercise habits. Many patients feel more motivated to take care of themselves after their CoolSculpting® treatment simply due to the fabulous way your body looks following treatment. It’s as if some patients get a second lease on their bodies and want to start anew by taking even better care of themselves.
The length of your CoolSculpting® session will vary depending on the number of areas being treated during one visit. We may schedule additional sessions in order to meet your unique goals.
The price for CoolSculpting® procedures varies depending on your areas of concern, the number of sessions needed, and your ultimate goals. At EpiCentre Skin Care & Laser Center, we will help you to create a customized treatment plan in person that’s tailored to your body, goals, and budget.
The CoolSculpting® procedure is FDA-cleared for the flank (love handles), abdomen, and thigh. With over one million CoolSculpting® treatments performed worldwide, it is proven to be a safe and effective treatment for non-surgical fat reduction.
As the cooling begins during the first few minutes of the procedure, you will begin feeling pressure and intense coldness in the targeted areas. This soon dissipates, and many people find distractions through reading, watching videos, working on their laptops, or even taking a nap during their treatment.
After seeing the amazing results from their CoolSculpting® procedure, we find that many of our patients begin actively taking even better care of themselves, keeping unwanted weight at bay. However, if you start gaining weight back, you may gain it evenly all over your body, not just in the treated areas.
You may start to see changes as quickly as three weeks after your treatment and will experience the most dramatic results after two months. Your body will still flush out fat cells and continues doing so for up to four to six months after treatment.
Once the treated fat cells are crystallized (frozen), your body processes the fat and eliminates these dead cells. Once the treated fat cells are gone, they’re gone for good!
See Our CoolSculpting Study: Reduce Your Double Chin With CoolScultping
CoolSculpting for the Chin Area
*Individual Patient Results May Vary
Visit Us Today!
If you’re a Dallas, TX resident looking into the remarkable possibilities the CoolSculpting® procedure can do for your body, contact EpiCentre Skin Care & Laser Center. We look forward to seeing how our seasoned team can help you feel beautiful in your own skin.