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BBL HERO Treatment in Dallas, TX

Let’s face it: There are a lot of laser treatments out there that promise to transform your complexion. But when it comes down to it, very few of them measure up to the results-driven power of the BBL HERO. Developed by Sciton, this gold-standard resurfacing treatment will significantly improve the health of your skin and reduce the appearance of sun damage and signs of aging.

Plus, there are key differences between the new BBL HERO and all the other BBL treatments out there:

  • It can actually treat your entire body and fast
  • 4x the Speed (faster than IPL)
  • 3x the Peak Power (more effective)
  • 2x the Cooling Effect (more comfortable than IPL)
How the Bbl Hero Treats the Entire Body

The primary goal of the BBL HERO is to fade the appearance of hyperpigmentation (like sun damage, age spots, redness and more) while also improving the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and dull skin. This BBL Treatment accomplishes this goal by emitting intense pulsed light (IPL wavelengths) at a higher rate than other BBL treatments, making it one of the most efficient BBL available on the market today.

Best of all, the BBL HERO can do you head to toe in just 30 minutes, making it an incredibly convenient treatment for even the busiest individuals.

Am I a Good Candidate for a Bbl Hero Treatment?

The BBL HERO treatment is designed to work on most skin types and tones, so even if you have darker skin, you could see results from this efficient treatment.

BBL HERO treatments work best on individuals who want to treat signs of:

  • Sun damage
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Age Spots
  • Freckles
  • Acne scarring
  • Wrinkles and fine lines
  • Dull or uneven skin tone
  • Rough or dry skin texture
  • Redness/Rosacea
  • And more
We Can Design the Treatment Plan Right for You!

It is very important that the operators of these devices have experience in doing so. Under-treatment can lead a patient to require unnecessary additional sessions whereas over-treatment with BBL can lead to burns and scarring. At EpiCentre Skincare & Laser Center, all of our providers have extensive experience in the use of the BBL laser. To learn more about BBL HERO treatments, get in touch with our friendly team at 214-887-1577.