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Injectable Center of Excellence at EpiCentre Skin Care & Laser Center

Experience the art of transformation as our expert medical professionals tailor customized treatments to enhance your natural beauty. Whether you’re looking to restore youthful contours, smooth away fine lines, or achieve radiant skin, our Injectable Center of Excellence has you covered.

A Team of Experts

Our skilled medical team brings years of experience and a passion for aesthetics, ensuring your journey is safe, comfortable, and results-driven.

Personalized Treatments

We believe in the power of personalized care. Your unique features will be considered to create a customized treatment plan that is tailored exclusively for your needs.

Cutting-Edge Techniques

Our center is equipped with the latest advancements in injectable treatments, promising stunning results with minimal downtime.

Comprehensive Approach

Beyond injections, we offer a holistic approach to beauty, providing a range of services to complement your aesthetic goals.

Carolyn Craft, RN, C.A.N.S., Advanced Aesthetic Injector

Carolyn, a registered nurse with 25 years of experience including 18 years in aesthetic injections, specializes in achieving natural, youthful looks using fillers and neuromodulators. Her expertise includes using blunt tip cannulas since 2012, and she has also educated fellow practitioners through Allergan’s Physician Extender Program for 7 years. Overcoming breast cancer, Carolyn’s commitment to helping clients feel good about their appearance remains strong, recognizing the profound impact of self-image on well-being. See Carolyn’s Before & After Photos

Katie Washam, PA-C, Advanced Aesthetic Injector

Katie, a Dallas native, graduated with honors in biomedical science from Texas A&M University and excelled in physician assistant school at UT Southwestern in 2009. With over 11 years of diverse medical experience, including ER, Urgent Care, and Allergy/Immunology, she now passionately specializes in aesthetics. Katie’s natural approach and artistic eye aim to enhance her clients’ beauty and confidence, reflecting her dedication to the field. See Katie’s Before & After Photos

Heather Lierman, RN, Advanced Aesthetic Injector, Certified ZO Skin Care Expert

Heather, a Registered Nurse with a background in hospital care, transitioned to specializing in aesthetic injectables driven by her passion for beauty and people. With a Bachelor of Science and nursing degree, she offers personalized and honest care, focusing on natural aesthetics to make each patient feel their best. Heather aims to help patients leave her chair feeling confident and beautiful, embodying their best selves. See Heather’s Before & After Photos

Stephen Strecansky, RN, Advanced Aesthetic Injector

Stephen is a graduate of Drexel University and has worked as a pediatric nurse for over 14 years and has continued his education into medical aesthetics. As a Certified Cosmetic Nurse Injector, he spent the last five years injecting in the Dallas area and balances the artistic and scientific sides of injecting to help each patient enhance their unique facial structure, revealing their natural, beautiful, and authentic self. He believes the synergy of patient and practitioner, helps create a personalized strategy to achieve great esthetic outcomes. See Stephen’s Before & After Photos

Botox walk-ins and new patient specials at EpiCentre Skin Care & Laser Center