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Financing: Apply Online

At EpiCentre Skin Care & Laser Center, we offer a range of financing options that are tailored to meet the unique needs of our patients. Our dedicated office team is well-versed in the various financing plans we accept and is available to assist you with any questions you may have or to help you through the application process. In many cases, approvals can be secured on the same day, and sometimes within minutes online. To apply for financing, you can visit the links below.



Link to CareCredit logo


We proudly accept CareCredit, the leading financing provider for cosmetic procedures. With CareCredit, you can get your treatment sooner without any upfront costs or pre-payment penalties. The application process is secure, fast, and easy. Use the CareCredit online payment calculator to calculate your low monthly payment. Apply online, find out instantly if you are approved, and start using your account immediately to pay for procedures.

CareCredit Card


PatientFi financing solution


We also offer PatientFi, a financing solution designed to help more patients access the latest health, beauty, and wellness treatments. PatientFi works with leading doctors nationwide and redefines the patient financing experience by looking beyond credit scores and putting patients at the center of everything. Apply today and discover how PatientFi can help you achieve your cosmetic goals.

PatientFi, Financing Monthly Plan


Enjoy savings and pay over time for your Allergan Aesthetics products and treatments. We are happy to accept Allē Payment Plans, powered by Cherry, at our practice – allowing you the freedom to get treated now and pay on terms that work for you. APR starting as low as 0%.

Getting started is quick and easy, and won’t impact your credit score. Simply create an Allē account, and then Cherry will run a soft credit check to see if you qualify.


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